Permaculture Design Course
Permaculture gives you the tools to create the world you long to live in! This PDC course gives you an extra 24+ hours in deep nature immersion, spiritual deep ecology and regenerative leadership.
Do you wish to be part of creating a more regenerative society?
Do you want to live in a way that enriches nature instead of degrading it?
Would you love the tools, practices and confidence to activise your projects and communities?
Permaculture is holistic design system which models nature and meets our needs, whilst regenerating our world. We welcome you to immerse yourself and expand your skills in creating regenerative living, with this internationally acclaimed Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course!
The Permaculture Design Certificate includes the internationally recognised 72 hour course plus an integrated extra 24+ hours in deep nature immersion, spiritual deep ecology and regenerative leadership.
You will receive a certificate that is valid worldwide and will be a strength if you want to: dive deeper into ecological thinking, plan your own home, garden or farm, create a regenerative lifestyle, participate in an ecovillage or intentional community, design a regenerative business, teach, work with school or community gardens, work with policy making, youth work, voluntary organisations, activism, community development, social justice, work with networks such as WWOOF, Camphill or Workaway or a supplement to other relevant education.
You will learn how to design systems for humans that imitate natural ecosystems, with a minimum energy and resources that creates resilience, abundance and social justice. We will cover topics such as ecovillages, alternative economies, food forests, social permaculture, regenerative leadership, decision making, soil and compost, water harvesting, garden design, large scale food production, energy and the whole two weeks culminate in the creation of an individual design project.
Permaculture has solutions not just for food production and landscapes,
but also designs for our social systems, communities, governance and
policies for these times of great change.
The course will be held over 2 weeks:
Week 1: Tuesday 9th may (evening) – Tuesday 16th may 12.00
Week 2: Monday 26th June (evening) – Sunday 2nd July 12.00
Course leaders:
Jan Martin Bang
I am passionate about teaching permaculture! I was born in Oslo and grew up in England, where I studied archaeology, philosophy, geography, education, and agriculture. I lived on a kibbutz in Israel for 16 years and represented ”Global Ecovillage Network” in Israel. I taught the first Hebrew Permaculture Design Course and taught in many countries in the Middle East. In 2000 I moved with my family to Norway to work at Solborg Camphill Village outside Hønefoss. I am an active member of the board of the Norwegian Permaculture Association and the ecovillage movement in Norway. I received my permaculture diploma from the Nordic Permaculture Institute in 2006 for my work in education and community development. I have written several books about permaculture and community.
Jen McConachie
I am an inspired permaculturist and love to facilitate teachings in forest garden design, regenerative leadership and organisations, earth connection practices and transforming ecological grief. I run my own permaculture business “Earth Mentor Me” as an educator, mentor and forest garden designer. I took the PDC in 2015 and am completing my permaculture diploma in education. I hold the permaculture teacher training certificate and am currently taking a 6 month education as a facilitator of The Work that Reconnects. I have a background as a composer and DJ before I woke up to environmental activism and founded the Norwegian non-profit «Fruktdugnad». I am secretary for the Norwegian Permaculture Association, where I actively integrate permaculture for a regenerative organisation. I weave permaculture into my roles as a mother, entrepreneur, elected council official and in my mini food forest. I am passionate about helping people create abundant inner and outer landscapes.