Dharma Mountain Groups
Do you want to know more about meditation? Do you wish to be more in touch with your feelings? Are you longing to be in silence and deepen your practice? Whatever background or starting point you may have, we have a group for you.
Read more here about what kind of groups and retreats we offer, and the kind of techniques we use. If you are in doubt about where to start, you are welcome to connect with us and we will help you!
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Tilstede ("Present")

A weekend with forest bathing and introduction to meditation
In everyday life, it easily becomes a habit to have our attention on the outside and to constantly be distracted. We need some help to slow down, to get back to ourselves and find the peace and joy of just being!
During this weekend you will experience forest baths, learn simple meditation techniques and exercises to become more present, and receive guidance and support to open up to natural silence.
I found calmness. Participant
Gave ("Gift")

Women’s weekend to find peace, inner power and inspiration
This weekend is for those of you who are used to giving more to others than to yourselves. Many women experience weariness and exhaustion as a result of being there for others, either at work or in the family. At Dharma Mountain Meditation Resort, we help you stop, find peace, inner power and fulfillment.
A long-awaited stop in my daily life that I rarely take the time to have. I had time to think, feel, and reflect deeper on many things. Participant
Inner Joy

Levende ("Alive")

A ten-day journey towards inner joy and peace of mind
During these ten days you will get a thorough introduction to meditation and have your own personal experience with it. Vipassana meditation is the main ingredient in the retreat, and it will be introduced and guided along the way.
Get out of mental overload and connect more with your feelings. Through active meditations, breathing exercises, and other techniques, you will be guided to reconnect with your emotions and to release them. You can open up to vulnerability and welcome it. We will explore what it means to meet ourselves with honesty and acceptance.
Our approach to meditation
For us at Dharma Mountain, meditation is not only a technique - it is the very presence and connection with the deep peace we all naturally have in ourselves. In a society where our attention is being pulled outwards all the time and where the focus is on achieving and performing, many of us have lost the connection with this natural and peaceful place inside. Techniques are there to help us and allow us to practice coming back to the peace which is always there.
So that we have the possibility to bring meditation into everything we do – our work and meetings we have with other people. It is a resting place inside ourselves, where we can always find nourishment no matter what is happening on the outside.
These are some of the techniques we use:

Vipassana meditation:
Silent meditation technique
Vipassana meditation is a traditional meditation technique that came from Gautama Buddha more than 2500 years ago. We simply sit in silence, relaxing the body, and just watch the breath coming and going. At the same time, we observe and become aware of thoughts, emotions and sensations happening in the moment. Our thoughts can be compared to sand in water - when we sit in silence for some time, they slowly sink to the bottom and the water becomes clear.

Breathing techniques
Thoughts can only be in the past or the future. The breath is always here and now – it can be a bridge to the moment, helping us to become present. That is why the breath is the focus of many of the techniques we use.
In some of them we give extra energy to it, doing exercises that release tensions and open the breath, allowing it to move freely.

Active meditation
Active meditation is form of meditation developed by the Indian mystic Osho in the 1970s. Osho recognized that it was difficult for modern people to sit still in meditation. Restlessness, unease, and tension in the body make it challenging to find peace and stillness.
In active meditation, there are several phases, with the initial phases being physically active. These phases are designed to help us reconnect with the body, release tension, and "relieve the pressure," making it easier to find peace and stillness.
Each participant performs the meditation individually, with their eyes closed and without interacting with others in the group.
The most well-known active meditations are Dynamic Meditation and Kundalini Meditation.

Self Inquiry - a method to know yourself
Self-Inquiry is a technique to know yourself deeper. In these sessions we sit in pairs answering simple questions that are repeated. We use this technique to become more aware of what is happening inside of us, in deeper and deeper layers, with the intention of meeting ourselves with friendliness and acceptance.
In addition to these main techniques, we also use other methods which help us to be more connected with the body and the breath, such as yoga, t’ai chi and dance/free movement.
Tilstede – ("Present"), a weekend with forest bathing and meditation