About us
The unique atmosphere at Dharma Mountain is made of more than just wild, beautiful nature, cozy facilities and tasty vegetarian food. The place was created around the modern mystic Vasant Swaha and it is run by his sannyasins*.
Inner peace, silence and joy
In the year 2000, Swaha found this place and started giving retreats here. Since then, people have been coming from all over the world to sit in Satsang* with him and to get to know themselves deeper - finding inner peace, silence and joy.
For the last 21 years, and in addition to Swaha’s retreats, Dharma Mountain has also been holding numerous workshops, retreats, festivals and groups in the areas of meditation, yoga, self-development and creativity – both with facilitators from Dharma Mountain and with course leaders who come from the outside.
I 2018 begynte vi å lage våre egne Dharma Mountain-grupper. De er alle forskjellige, men alle er bygd opp for å gi deg trygghet og rom til å være deg selv, og bli mer kjent med deg selv. De er laget både for deg som er ny og for deg som ønsker fordypning. Du kan read more about them here..
A place to investigate and explore yourself
Everybody working at Dharma Mountain came here to join Swaha’s retreats and to be close to him. None of us live inside Dharma Mountain itself, but most of us live close by and have our daily work here. This is the place where we can practice meditation in everything we do.
A unique atmosphere
Swaha teaches us about meditation, friendship, honesty, joy and love for ourselves, for others and for nature. A special, tangible atmosphere emanates from what he is sharing and touches many of those who come here.
In deep gratitude to Vasant Swaha...
...who makes this place available for us to learn, love and share – showing us our potential as human beings and inspiring us to surrender to our hearts.
Interested in joining a retreat with Swaha? Read more here. Read more here.
«Welcome to Dharma Mountain, welcome to this sanctuary of peace. This is a place where you can connect again with the dharma, with the truth, with yourself, with the real, with silence. So now when you are here, use the opportunity to just come back to yourself and find that silence that is always there but normally you’re not in touch with. You come from silence, and you go back to silence. But when you’re alive, most of us forget silence. Then connecting to that silence again gives you the freedom of the eternal. That is what I call meditation; you’re remembering the real, your essence.»
– Vasant Swaha
Vasant Swaha and Dharma Mountain since 2000
Vasant Swaha – What is Meditation?
Welcome to Dharma Mountain Meditation & Freedom Resort