Category: Dharma Blog
Writing Exercise: Write Yourself Out Through a Window
This is a great exercise to start your day with. You don’t need to keep track of time, but spend about 2–3 minutes on each step, and a little longer on the last one.[…]
Read moreCreate Your Own Meditation Space at Home
Do you dream of meditating regularly or want to create more time to nurture yourself and find peace? A great place to start is by setting up a small, physical space at home dedicated to just that. You don’t need a separate room or a lot of space – a corner, a windowsill, […]
Read moreHow cooking can become a meditation
Meditation isn’t just about sitting still – it’s a state of being present in the here and now, which you can bring into everything you do.
Read moreSimple Meditations
Here are some simple meditations that you can practice in your everyday life, in order to stay connected with yourself.
Read moreA taste of Forest Bathing – Silent Meditation in Nature
Nature can be a great help in finding peace and quiet. In the Dharma Mountain groups Inner Peace and Tilstede ("Present") nature is a support for meditation, inspired by the Japanese technique of forest bathing, shin-rin-yoku. […]
Read moreTime to sow!
4 tips for healthier soil! Suddenly warm spring weather has melted all the snow at Dharma Mountain, and we are busy preparing, sowing, and planting in our garden. Dharma Mountain is a Permaculture hub, and in our kitchen garden, we have several beds following a permaculture principles called "hugelkulture". Here we grow a mixture of salads, zucchini, cucumber, kale, […]
Read moreWriting as Meditation
Writing is a simple tool for quieting the mind and becoming more present. It is something you can do anywhere. It fits well as a morning practice – to connect with yourself before starting the day's tasks. Set aside some time each morning for our writing exercise and see what happens to you […]
Read moreYin Yoga
Yin yoga is a gentle form of yoga where the focus is on stretching deeper tissues (connective tissue), deep muscles, and joints. We use passive yoga poses for an extended period (3-5 minutes), mostly in lying and sitting positions. We use props (cushions, bolsters) to support the body, allowing it to relax into the poses. In yin yoga […]
Read moreVipassana
Vipassana is one of the world's best known meditation techniques. It's a simple practice which, due to its simplicity, can be practiced anywhere. Regular practice of Vipassana can bring you inner calmness, clarity, and enhance your ability to face challenges. Here, you'll get […]
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