Living Ecstasy – Biodanza & neo-shamanism

11. oktober - 13. oktober, 2024

Unni Heim

“Everything is alive. Become the dance of life, and enter the matrix of wisdom, pleasure (placebo & healing), love and ecstatic harmony.»  Unni

It is with great joy that I invite you to a full weekend at Dharma Mountain.

We live in a time where we are all invited to wake up; to connect again with the matrix of life, to experience life as life and not as an image of what life is; to love and be loved, and to strengthen inside of us what we want to see more of in the world. 

In our core we all have an inner wise man/woman connected to our intuition; a part of us that can vision beyond the structures, a part of us that is eternal, a part of us guided by love. This part of us can archetypically be called or our Inner Shaman or Inner Healer.

Two of the essential qualities guiding us into this knowing is ecstasy (fusion with the surroundings) and intacy (deep inner connection).

During this retreat we will connect with life in its essence, and with ourselves and others as wild and sacred being. Most of the sessions will be inside with music, and we will also include the nature around us for one session. 

Ceremonies and rituals have a central place in biodanza & neo-shamanism. We will welcome the elements, the directions, life energy and the sacredness at the very heart of our being.
– Biodanza vivencias indoors (most session) & one outside
– Drumming
– Voice
– Sun-rise salutation by the river (for those of you that are early birds)
– Bonfire
– Ceremonies/rituals

All the core powers of biodanza will help us on this path: the group, the music, integrated movements, contact & caress, trance & regression, vivencias of the 5 lines. 

Who can join:

This retreat is for those of you that already is familiar with biodanza in either weekly classes or in at least one workshop/retreat before. It is for you that feels the calling to connect deeper to the mystery of life and the primordial/ancestral/eternal wisdom. You need to be in psychological stable health, and able to contain yourself and your process. You also need to be drug free.

Number of participants: minimum 15 participants, max 40. 

For prices and booking:

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